Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This winter with nutritious food.

There are plenty of vegetables available in winter. But half of it is not available  all year long. Winter vegetables are effective not only in Bangladesh but also in solving the global nutrition problems.

Nutritional properties of winter vegetables:
Carrots: If one was well aware of the quality of carrots, it would have been mandatory to eat carrots with foods three times. The impression of age that many may not accept. And the impression of this age is due to the antioxidant. carrots contain carotenoids which work as antioxidants, slowing down the speed of aging in the body. When using honey mixed with carrots on the skin, the dead cells of the skin are removed.

Cauliflower: For those that push growing babies, pregnant mothers, cauliflower may be a sweeping nutrient vegetable. It conjointly stop sex gland cancer within the bladder and prostate, breast and abdomen cancer. Effective in preventing diseases like winter fever, colds, coughs and tonsils.

Tomato: Tomatoes area unit the mainstay of eczema and particularly scurvy. the sole inhibitor contained in tomatoes is to fight against the harmful ultraviolet rays of nature.

Bean: The supply of the Mennonite is bean. Bean eliminates issues of assorted diseases of ladies. Beans scale back the incidence of constipation and diarrhea.

Five benefits of egg.

About Egg
Egg are a balanced diet. Eggs are rich in vitamins. Eggs play a vital role in almost all diseases. Two parts of the egg better to eat the while part of it. Let's find out the benefits of eggs.

  • According to the doctor's advice, by eating an egg in the breakfast lose weight up to three pounds a month.
  • Egg contain Vitamin A. Egg Carotenoids, Lutein and Zeananthin reduce the chances of eye disease macular degeneration during aging.

  • Helps reduce muscle pain because only eggs contains Vitamin D. 
  • Eggs contain iron, zinc, phosphorus, anemia occurs during menstruation and the body soon becomes tired. Egg iron that can reduce its deficiency.
  • Choline is an important component of keeping the body healthy. Choline deficiency can lead to cardiovascular, liver diseases or neurological degeneration. An egg contains 300 micro grams of Choline.

Also, a new survey found that eggs do not increase cholesterol. The role of eggs in eliminating global nutrition problem is immense.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The rules that you should be followed in the food list.

Keeping foods rich in protein. Protein are available from fish, meat, eggs pulses. But eating red meat will be good for health.

A type of cell acts to destroy the bacteria in the body. However, the function of this cells is lost due to excess sugar intake. Therefore, consuming too much sugar in food is harmful to health.

Vitamin C is effective in keeping teeth, hair and skin well. Therefore, vitamin C rich foods should be placed on the food list

Sweet potato fills the beta carotene deficiency. It helps increase the body's immunity.

Also ginger, garlic, tea, spinach, watermelon should be on the food list.

Eat papaya, you know the seven benefits of eating papaya.

Due to the large amount of fiber in papaya, cholesterol patients will list it daily food.

Eat papaya three times daily to reduce the risk of aging of the eyes. Eating less nutrients rich food in the daily diet list causes elderly eye damage. That's the reason.
There are many people with less digestive power. Papaya's role in solving digestive problems is excellent. It increase the taste of food increase appetite.

To prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease, papaya should be eaten regularly. Papaya contains vitamins A.C.E and antioxidants. These nutrients help prevent cholesterol.

Papaya contains antioxidants. beta-carotene, flavonoids, gluten, cryptoxanthin and other nutrients to reduce the risk of cancer.

Comparisons of papaya and tuck yogurt are more effective in brightness the hair and strengthening the root of the hair.

To enhance the brightness of the skin add honey and tuck yogurt with ripe papaya every day.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Symptoms of Anemia and Ways to Prevent the Disease.

Symptoms and causes:

Due to insufficient amount of iron in the blood, we feel weak, nausea sleeping all day and appearance becomes pale. If blood loss is occurring slowly for a long time anemia may appear in the body. This slow blood loss can be due to ulcers, cancer, excessive bleeding during menstruation or blood loss during childbirth. 

Domestic ways of preventing anemia:

  • The amount of iron rich foods is the food list should be increased. For example, fish, meat, nuts, kalija, kachu eat more of these foods.

  • Espirilluna is a blue-green algae that is useful for treating anemia. daily teaspoon juice is enough. However, nowadays, espirilluna is also available in capsule form.
  • Coffee, tea, red wine inhibit iron absorption. So for those of us who have anemia, it is healthy to avoid these drinks.
  • Make it a habit to eat one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of vinegar per day. You can also mix them all together and eat.
  • The most effective home-based treatment for anemia is massage in the hands and feet. This will help blood circulation in the body properly.
  • Mix one tablespoon of honey with a ripe bananas should be eaten in a combination of honey have a lot of iron, as well as honey added, so what more can a nutritious diet mean for on anemia patient.
To find out how to prevent all other malnutrition disease, keep an eye on our articles.

Name and Cause of Malnutrition Diseases.

Disease that are lacking in nutrition: 

                                    Ø Anemia
Ø Nocturnal
Ø Berryberry
Ø Scurvy
                                Ø Gologond

Anemia: Anemia is due to lack of hemoglobin within the blood. for a few reason additional  hemoglobin is reduced. within the absence of nutrients like iron, folic acid, hemoglobin and red vegetative cell corrosion issues occur. Anemia is a disease that is not easily reduced.

Nocturnal: Nocturnal sickness is because of lack of anti ophthalmic factor. additionally to nocturnal, anti ophthalmic factor deficiency causes the attention to blow. 

Berry-berry: Berry berry disease occurs when there is a lack of thiamine in the food. The disease can cause the feel to become unconscious and the ability to move.

Scurvy: Scurvy is lacking in antioxidant. This disease causes swelling of the tooth. Blood falls and teeth become shaky. antioxidant deficiency is commonly seen in kids

Golgond: Golgond disease in known as Gheg disease in the local language. Many women and men in Bangladesh have this disease.

Nutritious food for children, adolescents and adults alike.

    According to a survey children, adolescents and girls unit of measurement further malnourished. Lack of nutrition affects human intelligence, performance time period and immunity.

For kids, adolescents and adults all the six nutrients like:
  • Protein  
  • Vitamins
  • Sugars
  • Mineral salts and
  • Affection
  • Water are needed.

      and protein is that the foremost important of these. The demand for protein meets prime notch food like important person, meat eggs and milk. If not pulses little fish, beech beans unit of measurement able to meet protein deficiencies among a similar approach.

By uptake rice, bread, spherical potatoes, sweet potatoes the obligatory sugars square measure typically collected.

The demand for sustenance and mineral salts  measure typically met with fish, meat, egg yolk, milk, clarified butter in addition as inexperienced and yellow colored vegetables and fruits.

Lack of caring foods square measure typically eradicated from comfy edible oils, loony and fish oils.

Lastly water is unbelievably necessary. a private got to drink one and a half liters of water daily that's like eight glass of water in an exceedingly very medium glass.

If you want to increase your mood in reading and mood is off, then know what to eat.

Studies are conducted on some folks that are stricken by depression, they fell wise bodily process bananas. The tryptophan molecule among the banana turns serotonin secretion into the chassis. mono amine neurotransmitter is known as a result of the secretion of happiness. once these secretion levels rise among the body, people feel higher and relaxed. Mood off is also a widely known syndrome. B complex in bananas helps maintain mood by maintaining glucose balance among the body.

The take a glance at was conducted over a year for two hundred students at Twickenham school in country. Bananas are essential for keeping the abdomen clean as a results of the huge amount of fiber among the banana

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Kind of Chocolate is Good for Health and Its Benefits.

About Dark Chocolate

Recent studies on chocolate say it normalizes high blood pressure and reduce the risk of getting a heart attach. Chocolate also controls blood sugar growth, keeps it normal and reduces stress.

Cocoa is the main ingredient in chocolate making. The strange characteristic of this cocoa has been reported. Chocolate powder was used in ancient Maya civilization as an aid to racing. It would have been possible to run  more on feeding. 

And it has been  known in the last decade of the present century, Chemicals in chocolate play a major role in curing Diarrhea. Chocolate contains antioxidants that work well to reduce inflammatory diseases in the body. The beneficial side is more because of the antioxidants contained in it. Chocolate also reduces the risk of cancer and memory loss.

A nutrient called flavonoids in cocoa seeds turns chocolate into an anti-oxidant and reduces inflammatory disease. Chocolate that is made up of  70 percent  cocoa is dark chocolate. 

Commercially produced chocolate contains milk and sugar. They are not good for health.

It is better not to eat dark chocolate more than twice a day on specialist advice.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nutritious food to increase intelligence

Playing marine oily fish 2 days per week can cause no brain issues and also the brain are going to be terribly nourished.

Marine fish contains fatty acids, that play very important role within the brain, eyes and systema nervosum formation however not excessive uptake. eat 2 days per week.

Eat six eggs per week as a result eggs contain iron and iron helps to creat bloody pigments in our body and helps to produce chemical element to the brain. If you've got any problemss it's best to eat at the doctor's recommendation.

Eat green tea. Green tea contains antioxidants, that is incredibly helpful for our brain.

Dark chocolate is incredibly helpful for our brain as a result of bittersweet  chocolate produces neurons within the brain and helps to recollect one thing new.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

If you are thinking about oral health care for your children, take a look at these tips

   It is vital to require care of the teeth of youngsters. Unhealthy food intake and poor nutrition have an effect on the expansion of teeth and jaws and its aspect effects additionally occur in later years of life. The diet that kids get within the early years of life helps in their physical and psychological feature development. As a result, it additionally affects their oral and overall health. Consistent with specialists, unbalanced diet contains a great deal of carbohydrates, sugar and starch, that causes oral diseases like cavities and cavity within the teeth, that a lot of aspect effects on the general health of youngsters.

These five foods square measure super food in polytechnic disorder, know here

    On a general tour, it's been found that healthy nutrition is extremely necessary  for healthy teeth from Associate in Nursing early age. Oldsters ought to listen to the food habits of their kids and teach them smart consumption habits. Foods made in metallic element (such as milk, yogurt, cheese, almonds), inexperienced leaf like vegetables and different similar healthy foods strengthen teeth and bones, so that they ought to be promoted in children's diet. Eggs, fish, lightweight meat and dairy farm product square measure made in phosphorus, that is helpful for robust teeth. Oldsters ought to embrace water-soluble vitamin within the diet of youngsters, that is in strengthening the gums.

The face depicts deficiency in anti-pernicious anemia factor, read on!

    It is value noting that there's a really advanced relationship between oral health standing, dietary habits, biological process level and general health and there square measure several factors that interlink them. If oral health isn't smart, then it changes the selection of food and negatively affects the diet, that reduces the amount of nutrition and afterwards results in the condition of chronic general diseases.

Pregnant women should never forget to eat this fruit during pregnancy.

    If the intravenous woman is fed with palm during childbirth, rapid contraction of the cervical spine helps promote delivery, Increases the taste of food.

       A date palm is an excellent diet for pregnant mothers for 7 or 8 months. Pregnant mothers have many weakness in their body at this time. Then palm helps greatly to overcome this weakness in mothers body and the date palm also plays a helpful role in stopping the extra bleeding of the mother after delivery.

      The role of date palms is important for the growth of breast milk and the nutritional needs of the baby. It is very helpful for children to reduce calorie deficiency. Each 100 gram of date palm contains 324 milligrams of calories.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

You'd be surprised to know the benefits of litchi.

Thang was the name of an empire in China. The king of the Thang empire sent his troops to Litchi collection 600 miles away. The King wanted to give this gift to the woman in his love fascinated by the juice, taste, smell of this fruit.

Nutritious: In terms of nutrition, Litchi contains a lot of calcium and vitamin C. Also Carbohydrates, Calories, Iron, Potassium, Kilo-calories energy, little Sodium and fat are not at all.


  1.  Diabetes patient are better to eat Litchi because it has more       calories.
  2.  To Litchi 40% higher than the amount of vitamin C in orange   lemon.
  3.  Beta carotene is higher than carrots.
  4.  Helps to digest.
  5.  Litchi is effective curing in cough, stomach pain and tumors.
  6.  Litchi is a medicine for children's spring disease.
  7. The capillaries around the lips, the forehead and chest   pigmentation play on effective role in eliminating.
  8.  Eliminate acne numbness and oily skin.
  9. Vitamin C, Niacin and Thiamine which are contained in Litchi,   can make the hair darker by enhancing the beauty of the hair.
  10.  Heart protection protects constipation by reducing the risk of   stroke.
  11.  For women who have menopause, Litchi eliminates calcium deficiency because these women suffer from excessive calcium deficiency.
  12.  Eliminates the inflammation of the body because it contains   Vitamin B Complex.

Which you should be careful: Patients with hypertension and uncontrolled diabetes should avoid much sweet Litchi. Litchi is a hot fruit so it is possible to get diarrhea by heating up the stomach. 

Be sure to read our regularly published articles to learn more about the effectiveness of Litchi............

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The dull skin means malnutrition, to learn how to get back your glowing skin.

The skin's experimental results show that the skin loses its natural brightness only when the body does not get the nutrients and essential nutrients it needs. But we naturally waste both time and skin by practicing different forms. So let's take a look at what natural food ingredients should be taken and avoided. But first, it is better to know what is avoided than to get food because it is more difficult for us to avoid taking food.

The food ingredients that should be avoided are:
  • 1. Soft drinks
  • 2. Caffeine / Coffee
  • 3. Fast food
The food ingredients that are important to take are:
  • 1. Vegetables, fresh fruits.
  • 2. Water.
  • 3. Oily fish.