Monday, January 6, 2020

Foods that can cause cancer.

Animal Flesh :- Those who are accustomed to eating extra animal meat are more likely to have stomach and colon cancer. 

Sizzling meat and fish :- Various amine and hydrocarbons are produced in the burnt or burnt fish and meat portions, which can cause cancer. However, there is no danger of the meat being cooked in the microwave. 

Fish and meat stored in tirs :- Chemicals used to preserve fish or meat in tin can increase the tendency of cancer.

Peanut :- Peanuts, are very beneficial for health, but it produces a fungus that can cause cancer. 

Celery, lettuce leaves :- These vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C, which as an antioxidant, it can prevent cancer and other diseases, but these vegetables contain some nitrite which can help to cause cancer by changing to nitrosamine. 

Soybean :- Soybean is rich in protein and nutrients but soy bean contains a chemical called genistein that can cause cancer in the pancreas. 

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